Earth Day


"The Earth is what we all have in common." - Wendell Berry
Earth, our home planet is the only planet in our galaxy that can support life. Earth Day is celebrated each year, on April 22nd. It is celebrated to protect our planet from things like pollution and deforestation.
In honor of Earth Day, Eureka school conducted many activities from class Nursery to 8th to promote importance of saving Earth. From classes Nursery to 3rd, students made Earth Day project sticking their hand shapes and showing, we can change the world with our own hands. Earth is worth protecting! Classes LKG and UKG creatively made hanging drawings and "Ninja turtles" on 'Save Earth Save Life'. Class 1st made beautiful wall hangings for the classrooms om the same. In classes 2nd and 3rd, Eureka school had Hindi and English poem recitation competition on the Earth Day.
Grade 4th students gave speech on the same and students incredibly made posters on Save Earth and Save Trees. 5th grade students made mind-blowing Pebble Art showing importance of growing trees. Class 6th did an activity of Sowing Seeds, one week before Earth Day celebration so that small plants can grow.
Classes 7th and 8th did a Cleanliness Drive in school and showcased a play on how and why we can keep our surrounding clean.
By taking part in activities like maintaining cleanliness and planting trees, we are making the world a happier and healthier place to live.
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